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Here are some of the typical concerns we hear from Boards, and some information to help guide them:
Participants register online to fundraise for your organization. They then reach out to their friends, family, etc to obtain peer-to-peer sponsorship of at least $1000. The dollars raised by these individuals from Over The Edge’s Signature events go directly to your organization.
Contact us for more information.
*We define break even as your event’s total combination of donations and sponsorship being equal to the fees you pay to Over The Edge according to your contract. If your total donations and sponsorship is less than your event fees, we will reduce your fees to match them.
Now let’s kick it up a notch: here’s how to increase your guarantee to 200%!
*We define a 200% return on investment as your event’s total combination of donations and sponsorship being two times larger than the fees you pay to Over The Edge according to your contract. If your total donations and sponsorship is less than two times your event fees, we will pay you the difference.
Interested in some of these additional recommendations, but not all? You can pick and choose as you like; each one you adhere to will earn you an additional 20% towards your ROI Guarantee. Please note: You will need to meet all five of the basic requirements for the 100% ROI Guarantee for these additional offers to be credited to your contract.